170 years of German-Jewish Coexistence in Leipzig – Discovering Familiar Sounds in the Unfamiliar
The Overall Project

Jewish life in Germany dates back to the year 321, which is the reason for a nationwide ceremonial year of "1700 Years of Jewish Life in Germany".
In Leipzig, however, German-Jewish coexistence has only existed since the 19th century. The project "170 Years of German-Jewish Coexistence in Leipzig – Discovering Familiar Sounds in the Unfamiliar" explores German-Jewish history in Leipzig from the time of the "Equalisation of Saxon Jews with Christians with regard to the beneficial use of civil and civic rights" (1849) to the present.
Special features of all 12 sub-projects are:
- Music as a unifying element that creates an emotional relationship to Jewish culture
- Linking German-Jewish coexistence with authentic places of Jewish life in the urban space in order to give it permanent points of adherence in the city today
- Participation formats as in Jewish remembrance culture that turn spectators into bearers and multipliers of remembrance; living remembrance is not a point of view, but a path of its own.
You can view the program flyer "Jewish music tracks - Together in Leipzig" here.
- Reading from the book "Schneeblumen" ("Snow Flowers")
- We Celebrate, Sing, Dance!
- Theme evening for the "Leipziger Hörspielsommer" (Leipzig Radio Play Festival)
- Notenrad-Tour to Jewish cemeteries
- Sukkot XXL - The Feast of Tabernacles
- Projects with schools and associations
- Book "Schneeblumen" ("Snow Flowers")
The project partners
94. Oberschule
Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrradclub (ADFC)
Ariowitsch-Haus Leipzig
BV Kolonnadenviertel
Edvard-Grieg-Begegnungsstätte / C.F. Peters-Musikverlag
Flügelschlag Werkbühne e.V.
Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig (HTWK)
Hochschule für Musik und Theater „Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy“ Leipzig (HMT)
Israelitische Religionsgemeinde
Jüdische Woche Leipzig 2021
Klänge der Hoffnung / Stiftung Friedliche Revolution
Landesamt für Schule und Bildung
Leipziger Hörspielsommer
Schule am Rabet
Seniorenbüro Ost
Verlag Hentrich & Hentrich