Leipziger Notenspur Leipziger Notenspur Leipziger Notenspur

Sukkot XXL – The Feast of Tabernacles

From September 20th to 27th, the Jewish communities in Germany invited people to celebrate Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles) with them as a festival of encounter.

The Leipziger Notenspur offered interested institutions and individuals the opportunity to participate with their own activities. Knowledge about the Feast of Tabernacles was imparted in workshops: Why is Sukkot celebrated and how can a sukkah be built yourself? In addition, people who reported on their own experiences with Jewish festivals and customs, as well as musicians who contributed to the success of the Feast of Tabernacles in their own garden, on the balcony, in schoolyards or on lawns of clubhouses, were imparted.

Workshops that took place in this framework:

July 15th, 2021 - Webinar on Sukkot, open to all.
September 2nd, 2021 - Workshop on Sukkot, open to all
September 20th - 27th, 2021 - We celebrate Sukkot XXL together all over Germany.

Materials for Download

Handreichung für Sukkot XXL – Didaktisches Material (Didactic materials on Sukkot XXL, German only)
Kostenkalkulation für den Bau einer Sukka (Cost calculation for building a Sukka, German only)
Wasserzeremonie - Materialien und Lösungen (Water ceremony - materials and solutions, German only)

Collaborations with Schools in Leipzig and its Surroundings

In cooperation with the State Office for Schools and Education, a training course for teachers was offered. Knowledge about Sukkot was imparted to teachers so that the schools could celebrate their own Sukkot in September. A workshop was also held as part of Democracy Week.

July 13th, 2021 – Teacher training at the Allotment Garden Museum Leipzig, not open to the public

Project partner: Landesamt für Schule und Bildung

Collaboration with Henriette Goldschmidt School

An open-minded and tolerant approach in adulthood requires a cosmopolitan upbringing and role model function in childhood and adolescence. In addition to parents, educators and teachers are the main mediators of these approaches. In order to bring precisely these future multipliers into contact with the topic, the Henriette Goldschmidt School in Leipzig, which was founded by wealthy Jewish citizens, was won as a cooperation partner. In addition to training for social professions, truants are also looked after there in the vocational preparation year (BVJ), among other things. The educators in training took part in a workshop on Sukkot.

July 15th, 2021 – Workshop for Trainee Educators at Henriette Goldschmidt School, not open to the public

Project partner:  Henriette-Goldschmidt-Schule



September 16th, 2021 – Workshop at Primary School in Doberschütz within Democracy Week, not open to the public

Project partner: Landesamt für Schule und Bildung

Collaboration with the Senior Citizens Office East "Inge & Walter"

The Senior Citizens Office East celebrated Sukkot with Jewish food and music in its courtyard on September 14th. A guided tour of the Old Jewish Cemetery took place on September 28th. Finally, a kosher cooking class was held on October 14th.

Project partner: Senior Citizens Office East „Inge & Walter“ www.seniorenbuero-ost.de

Project days of the 94th High School (94. Oberschule) on Sukkot XXL and the Ez Chaim Synagogue

In autumn 2021, project days were held with pupils (4th, 6th, 8th and 9th grades) from the 94th High School and from UNESCO schools. Here, too, the focus was on Jewish music and Jewish places. The project strengthened self-awareness and awareness of others and encouraged civil courage. It gave Jewish culture, initially perceived as "foreign", the face of people to whose personal voice emotional access is created through music. It told encouraging examples of experienced solidarity and commitment to the values of humanity. Dealing with the Jewish musical cultural heritage made it possible to show impressive examples of periods of success and failure in the coexistence of different cultures. In view of the current migration movements, this discussion of how peaceful coexistence can be possible became even more explosive. One component of the project days was the participation in Sukkot XXL. In addition, a flash mob was developed together with the pupils and presented at the site of the former Ez Chaim synagogue.

September 29th – October 1st, 2021, not open to the public

Project partner: 94. Oberschule Leipzig 

Self-organised Sukkot festivals, for which the Leipziger Notenspur helped to find e.g. musicians or people from the Jewish community, took place here:

Erntedankfest in Groß Pösna organisiert vom KuHstall e.V (Harvest festival in Groß Pösna organised by KuHstall e.V.)

Fanny Hensel Grundschule (Fanny Hensel Primary School)

Lindenhofschule  // „Dokumentation vom Projekttag an der Lindenhofschule“ (Lindenhof School for Handicapped Children // "Documentation of the project day at the Lindenhofschule")

Kinder-, Jugend- und Familienzentrum der Caritas in Grünau (Caritas Children, Youth and Family Centre in Leipzig Grünau)

Ev.-meth. Bethesdakirche Leipzig (Protestant Methodist Bethesda Church Leipzig)

Kleingartenverein Sachsenland (Allotment Garden Association Sachsenland)