Leipziger Notenspur Leipziger Notenspur Leipziger Notenspur


Update 13.11.2018

Johannes Raschpichler chosen by jury as winner of the soundlogo competition of Leipzig Music Trail; short vita and interview Johannes Raschpichler (PDF, German only), raw version sound logo for download. (right click > save as)

Update 08.11.2011

Mitarbeiter der Universität Leipzig gewinnt Wettbewerb Klanglogo Leipziger Notenspur; Bekanntgabe erfolgt am 21. November

Update 24.10.2011

29 entries submitted to "Sound Logo Leipzig Music Trail" competition; jury to select competition winner on November 7

5. Jury

The jury is composed of persons representing the free and institutionalized cultural life of the city of Leipzig in diverse fields.


- Prof. Martin Kürschner, composer, professor for composition, instrumentation, analysis, electronic music, computer music; at the same time prorector for studies and teaching at the University of Music and Theatre "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy".


  - Daniel Beilschmidt, university organist at the University of Leipzig
  - Anja Frank, musicologist, program manager Hörspielsommer Leipzig
  - Maud Glauche, agency manager Dreieck Marketing Leipzig
  - Alexander Gosch, music editor and program dramaturge mdr-Figaro

  - Stephan König, pianist, composer, conductor
  - Holger Krause, singer amarcord Leipzig
  - Frank-Thomas Mitschke, director of the music school "Johann Sebastian Bach
  - Steffen Schleiermacher, composer and pianist
  - Prof. Werner Schneider, physicist, initiator of the Leipziger Notenspur, chairman of the board of Notenspur-Förderverein

Copyright and transfer of exploitation rights

By submitting his/her competition entry and the signed declaration of participation, the participant assures that he/she is the sole author of the competition entry and that he/she can freely dispose of the competition work and all existing exploitation rights to it.

The exclusive exploitation rights as well as related property rights of the winning entry are transferred in full to Notenspur Förderverein Leipzig e.V. as the organizer of this sound logo competition upon submission. The remuneration for this is included in the winning prize and authorizes the organizer to use and publicly reproduce the winning entry in any form. The copyright remains with the authors of the design.

The winners of the sound logo competition and their legal successors are obliged to allow substantial deviations (e.g. adaptations) from the submitted work.

In the event that claims are nevertheless made by third parties on the basis of an infringement of rights and the infringement is due to intentional or grossly negligent conduct on the part of the winners, the winner shall be liable for all damages incurred by Notenspur Förderverein Leipzig e.V. as a result.

Entries that do not comply with the above conditions of participation will not be considered.

Notenspur-Förderverein e.V. Leipzig

c/o University of Leipzig
Institute for Urban Development and Construction
Grimmaische Street 12
04109 Leipzig
Tel.: 0341 / 97-33741


  - Prof. Werner Schneider, Head of Notenspur Initiative, Chairman of the Board Notenspur-Förderverein e.V., e-mail: schneider(at)notenspur-leipzig.de

  - Torsten Krause, musicologist, project coordinator "Klanglogowettbewerb", e-mail: projekt(at)notenspur-leipzig.de

The signposting system and the acoustic guide system of the Leipziger Notenspur

Leipzig has a worldwide unique density of originally preserved places of work of famous composers and musicians. The aim of the Leipziger Notenspur initiative is to bring this musical cultural heritage to life by combining city exploration with a musical experience. The Leipziger Notenspur music route connects the most important original sites in the centre of the city over a distance of five kilometres. It encircles composers' houses and performance venues, especially from the Baroque and Romantic eras. The individual guidance of visitors on the music trail is provided by the path and audio guidance system. The signage system consists of curved ground-level stainless steel inlays along the route and information panels at the stations. Since music is best accessed through an auditory experience, it is complemented by an acoustic guide system. Audio examples, stories and sound oases awaken the joy of music. The sound logo, as an acoustic identification mark, is to be incorporated into these listening experiences as a characteristic component, in addition to other media uses.

The opening of the Leipziger Notenspur music route will take place on 12.05.2012 under the motto "Leipziger Notenspur. Auftakt 12.05.12. Musik bewegt die Stadt." (“Leipzig Music Trail. Prelude 12.05.12. Music moves the City.”) will take place within the framework of a musical citizens' festival.


Conditions of participation

The conditions of participation and the declaration of participation are available for download as PDF (German only):

Conditions of participation for the competition "Klanglogo Leipziger Notenspur".
Declaration of participation for the competition "Klanglogo Leipziger Notenspur”

In the following points the conditions of participation in the sound logo competition are named.

1. Competition Entry

Content and design criteria of the sound logo:

  - Maximum duration of 10 seconds
  - Concise and expressive

  - Recognition value
  - High identification value
  - Unmistakability
  - Universally usable in the media
  - Implicit reference to the contents and goals of the Notenspur initiative, its projects and the cultural-historical context of the city of Leipzig

2. Submission/Selection Procedure

A draft of a sound logo is to be submitted, preferably in digital form on CD (in common audio file formats) and/or as a musical score.

The submission includes:

  1. the competition entry, which is marked with a freely chosen 6-digit Arabic numerical sequence (code number).

  2. the signed declaration of participation in an opaque, sealed envelope marked with the code number.

The designs are to be submitted anonymously and free of charge for the organizer under the keyword "Klanglogowettbewerb Leipziger Notenspur" to the following address:

Leipziger Notenspur-Förderverein e.V. c/o University of Leipzig / Institute for Urban Development and Construction Grimmaische Straße 12 / 04109 Leipzig.

Deadline for submission of drafts: 21.10.2011

The date of submission is the date stamp of the post office or courier service, which in case of doubt must be irrefutably proven by the participants.

The jury will evaluate the entries with regard to the above mentioned requirements and evaluation criteria and select a winning entry in a closed session. The decision of the jury is final. Legal recourse is excluded.

3. Prizes

1st prize: 500 Euro

No other prizes will be awarded.

4. Notification

The winner will be notified in writing. The winning sound logo will be publicly awarded and presented on the homepage of the organizer. The submitted designs will not be returned, no reasons will be given for the rejection of works.

Announcement of the "Leipziger Notenspur" sound logo competition

The Leipziger Notenspur initiative is looking for a sound logo for the " acoustic guide system" of the Leipziger Notenspur music route and for further versatile medial use and invites all interested parties to participate with contributions.